

At Enterprise Mobility, we see sustainability as an opportunity for innovation 和 value creation.

作为一个世代相传的家族企业, Enterprise Mobility strives to operate with future generations in mind. Our forward-looking approach of managing for the long term guides the way we grow our business, 支持我们的人民, cultivate partnerships 和 give back to the communities in which we live 和 work.

As we continue to exp和 和 diversify our offerings to deliver a range of mobility solutions to our customers, 我们也在努力减少对环境的影响, 投资当地社区, empower our team members 和 find new ways to integrate sustainable practices across our global operations.

我们知道一个强大的环境, 社会与治理(ESG)框架支持可持续未来, 和 we work collaboratively to address important ESG topics throughout our organization. 我们还将我们的可持续发展努力与五个 联合国可持续发展目标 (UNSDGs) where we believe our business operations have the potential to drive significant progress 和 impact for global communities.


How exactly are we committing to create a positive 和 sustainable impact across our operations? 下面是一些例子:

We’re advancing sustainable mobility across our organization in a variety of ways, such as: 

  • Partnering with auto manufacturers to exp和 our fleet of electric vehicles (EV) across our many corporate-owned markets.
  • As of April 2022, the average fuel efficiency of our global fleet is 27.3 mpg, with more than 94% of our European passenger fleet over 30 mpg or 12.每升75公里. 
  • 通过 与企业一起上下班, 我们减少了8亿多磅的碳排放, 45岁以上移除,5万辆车,50多辆,2000名通勤者.
  • 45%的欧洲 企业汽车俱乐部 22财年的车队是电动或混合动力的.

We’re building relationships to develop solutions for global challenges, 包括推进清洁生物能源技术 企业租车可再生燃料研究所 和丹佛斯植物科学中心一起. The Enterprise Institute awards an annual seed grant that funds novel ideas to promote 和 sustain the use of plants 和 algae regionally 和 globally to address environmental 和 economic challenges.

  • 在英国,41人.4% of waste from the EMEA headquarters was used to generate renewable electricity for the National Grid.
  • SMART energy system upgrades throughout select branch offices help us lessen energy use, while the use of LaunchPad mobile tablets has helped us reduce paper use in our facilities.
  • 法国20%的分店实施了水循环系统, 储蓄41,500立方米的水.

企业租车, 全国汽车租赁公司阿拉莫 offer customers the opportunity to offset the carbon dioxide emissions generated from car rentals. 这个补偿计划, 这是租车行业中规模最大的一家, is the latest addition to the industry’s most comprehensive environmental sustainability platform. 自2016年以来,121458人.29 metric tons of CO2e have been offset through our partnership with Terrapass®.

  • 多于1,000 tons of damaged glass diverted from l和fills by working with windshield repair companies in the United States.
  • 通过我们与Safety-Kleen®和PetroChoice®的合作, we have a closed loop process on oil usage across our fleet 和 have continuously recycled the equivalent of 12 million gallons of engine oil since 2009. 另外, 100% of the materials from used oil filters from our airport service centers in North America are recycled or repurposed – diverting thous和s of pounds of used oil, 塑料, 垃圾填埋场的金属和纸张.
  • We partner with Climate Impact Partners in the United Kingdom to invest in renewable energy projects to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions 和 build sustainable infrastructure.
  • 作为欧洲移动即服务(MaaS)联盟的成员, we are part of a global coalition working to integrate various transportation options into a single mobility service.
  • As a strategic partner of the National League of Cities, we helped launch the 公平电动交通手册 — a resource for policymakers 和 their stakeholders to recognize how an inequitable l和scape can impact historically marginalized communities 和 explore ways to accelerate electric mobility adoption within these communities.
  • 通过我们与微软®的合作, we can leverage analytics technologies 和 send specified vehicle data, 比如里程和燃油水平, 从车辆到企业移动, increasing our ability to streamline rental pickup 和 return 和 create efficiencies within the business.



Though we’re helping advance mobility 和 identifying new ways people will move through the world, 我们还在做汽车生意. 看看接下来会发生什么. 


我们的社区就是一切. See how we’re giving back to the neighborhoods we live 和 work in through the Enterprise Mobility Foundation.  


从一开始就指导我们的成长, we’re inspired every day by our founding values 和 Jack Taylor’s timeless credo to “do the right thing.”